At Home with Embodied Bellydance®
The Somatic & Sacred Inner to Outer World of an Ancient Dance
Embodied Bellydance® is for all Women from all walks of life & dance abilities. Student and professional bellydancers, dancer so all genres, people who want to deepen their connection to this ancient dance as healing dance of modern times or those who simply want to explore the essence of this dance are coming to this work. They are uniting and sharing their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual experiences, through the circles, spiral and waves of this primordial dance form.
Introductory Course Fundamentals of Embodied Bellydance®
A Somatic Approach to an Ancient Dance
Dates & Time
Monday 9th & 16th September
6 – 9 pm
$110 Full
$95 Consession
What we call Bellydance or Egyptian Dance or which ever cultural or modern variation you participate in or not, the essence of the movement quality is PULSATION. This pulsation is the expression of life.
I tell my students, what a gift we have in this form – this dance; that the kernel of expression and amplification of the Pulsatory life force energy supports the circle, waves, spirals and vibrations of their dance.
We go to the centre, which is the navel, then connect to the whole and naturally occurring spirals of our physiology / anatomy and move form this place, our dance and the dance becomes fluid and free.
The archetypal bellydance movements that are named, circles, figure 8’s, shimmies to name just a few, which are done independently or all at the same time can over time become effortless. This effortlessness gives grace, power, beautiful and a deep connection to the self and a personal healing dance.
Join me in the dance. Opened to all levels.
No previous experience is needed.
Long time students are welcome.
Professional dancer, bellydance teacher can expand their tool box.
The Golden Mantra
Is a Movement Pattern that primarily works through the skeletal system, using visualisation, active imaginational and somatisation. Movements flow from and through the Spine/INavel, shaping curves, waves and spirals through shift of weight, affecting the whole skeletal system.
From the premise of the Inner Navel, which I have named the INavel as the origin of movement, comes a set of instructions that if mindfully applied to all movement, will eventually give freedom and ease to your dance.
Using the analogy of a car …….
My Breath is the fuel
- responsive, receptive and integrated with each and every movement. Dance fuels breath – breath fuels dance.
My Spine Navel/ INavel is the driver;
- that guides and gives shape to the whole of my spine
My Legs are the passenger;
- they follow the navel and also navigate
My knees are the suspension;
- always receptive to the direction of my navel, never locked in straight or bent positions, giving flexibility and fluidly to all my movements.
My feet are the steering;
- they follow my navel and maintain a relationship to my head, steering my legs, horizontally and vertically. Grounding and supporting my whole body.
My Heart is the engine;
- leading my thoracic spine, echoing my navel, inspiring my spine to be fluid, integrated and multi-directional.
My head is the key;
releasing forward and up. Freely holding my central axis, maintains a relationship to my feet. Along with the INavel, supporting the relationship between my tail-bone and top of spine/base of skull.
My Pelvis is asleep on the back seat.;
- it sits in a relaxed yet powerful state. It is receptive, responsive to the directional pull of my Navel and the shaping of my legs in relation to the ground.
What People Are Saying
A Deeper Connection with my Body
"I have attended several workshops taught by Maria over the years and each time I walk away with a deeper connection with my body and a greater appreciation for the healing, supportive and nourishing qualities of the dance that she brings out." Myfanwy Powell...
Profound Dance Practice
"Maria's work with the body, spirit and senses in dance practice is profound. Her many years of research in different kinds of movement, dance technique and practice shows through in her workshops and classes, and transforms people's relationships with their bodies...
To respect my body
I come to Embodied Bellydance to dance, to respect my body and the connection with the earth; to enjoy sensing energy, movement, weight; to dance with other joyous, embodied beings. Elizabeth Mackenzie Dance Movement Therapist, Hakomi & Internal Family Systems...