Tips & Treats
Connect the Elbow to the Navel for Whole body flowing arm
I was asked by a teacher how to bring the arms into play with her students. Arms can often feel separate to the rest of the body especially to beginners. What is important here to to help them feel that the arms are a part of...
Tips on Hips
Nature originally said that our hips should sway side to side gracefully as our weight shift from foot to foot. I love to watch my dog walking from behind, she along with her fellow 4 legged friends do exactly this. We like our 4 legged friend should be the same but...
Moving from the Navel Pulse
Embodied Bellydance® Walk Dance This exploration comes after we explored rising and falling from the Navel, into shifting weight from side to side into walking with the pulse of the Navel/Breath. When this movement becomes strong in side you every step you take...
Exploring Shimmy Movements in Constructive Rest
Embodied Bellydance® Exploring Shimmy Movements in Constructive Rest Semi-Supine or Constructive Rest – Laying on the floor with a book under the back of your head with folded legs. (Alexander Technique style) In this video I am teaching what we need...
Baladi and being a jellyfish
Lie down or stand, close your eyes, connect to your breath. Give your breath time to sit in and with you body. When you feel you are whole with you breath, Begin to feel and see yourself as a jellyfish. Allow the breath to move you a...